The Avengers, a superhero film produced by Marvel Studio and Disney was premiered on April 11, 2012. The film scaled like the comic of the name that brings together the super hero team of Marvel Comics heroes for the first time at any time. Including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk and more hero are required to band together to address the biggest opponent they've ever faced. The film received positive reviews from most film critics and set numerous box office records. If you have got the disc of The Avengers, there is a way to protect the DVD disc from damaged and damage. Backup the disc written content into videos, then you can free to enjoy the film anytime without hurt your disc.
The perfect target video format for DVD back up would be MKV. MKV can hold multiple video, audio, subtitles which can keep the high quality of disc film.
Check with below guide to convert DVD to MKV with DVD ripper.
Step 1-Import DVD drive or a folder which includes VIDEO_TS.
Run DVD to MKV Ripper. Please Click "File" to import DVD files, you can insert whole DVD folder, or directly drag them into the ripper.
Step 2-Set Output Profile
Click "Profile" button to select the format you want to convert. Here we choose "MKV (Matroska) Video (*. mkv)" as output format. Most popular formats are supported, you can use it to conduct other conversions.
Click "Settings" to set bit rate, frame rate, codec, aspect ratio, etc. for the video format, set bit rate, channel, and volume for the audio format. You can also decide the encoding method.
Step 3-Video Editing
Click "Editing" to set video effect: Trim, Crop, Effect and Watermark.
Step 4-Start Converting with DVD to MKV Ripper
Hit Convert button on the main interface to start converting. You can see the process as below.