Monday, April 9, 2012

How to Tie a Tie

Men's neckwear hasn't really changed all that much over the last century. Men's shirts have collars that are now sewn on, instead of buttoning onto a collarless shirt. Ties go through phases of getting a bit longer or shorter, or a tad wider or narrower, but overall, they don't change that much.
how much you konw about tie a tie? only one style all the year?
Here is a guide for both newbies just starting out with their first tie knot, as well as those more advanced students that would like to add some variety to their tie knots.  A few minutes of your time , choose a nice knot from here:

1.Windsor Knot


The Windsor Knot is the knot for special occasions. Typically English, it owes its name to the Duke of Windsor who made it popular. 
The knot is symmetrical, well balanced, and self-releasing. It is a large knot, which amply displays the fabric and design of the tie when wearing a closed jacket or coat, and helps keep the throat area warm during the colder winter months.

2.Pratt Knot

The Pratt knot is unusual in that its starting position is 'reverse side out', like the Nicky knot, a self-releasing variant of the Pratt. It uses less length than the Half Windsor or Windsor knots, and so is well suited to shorter ties or taller men. Unlike the Four in Hand knot, the Pratt method produces a symmetrical knot. It is of medium thickness.

 3.Bow Tie Knot


Although the necktie is more prominent in today's society, being seen at business meetings, formal functions, schools, and sometimes even at home, the bow tie is making a comeback with fun-formal events such as dinner, cocktail parties and nights out on the town. Bow ties, especially narrow "string ties," are still popular with men of all ages in the American South. After The Eleventh Doctor stated that "bowties are cool" on the hit TV series Doctor Who bowties have enjoyed a surge in popularity.
It is also much more common to wear a bow tie with a dinner jacket than it is to wear a necktie with one. Bow ties are also sometimes worn as an alternative to ascot ties when wearing a morning coat

4. Four in Hand Knot


The four-in-hand knot is a method of tying a necktie. Also known as a simple knot or schoolboy knot, the four-in-hand is believed to be the most popular method of tying ties due to its simplicity and style. Some reports state that carriage drivers tied their reins with a four-in-hand knot, while others claim that the carriage drivers wore their scarves in the manner of a four-in-hand, but the most likely etymology is that members of the Four-in-Hand Club in London began to wear the neckwear, making it fashionable. The knot produced by this method is on the narrow side, slightly asymmetric, and appropriate for most, but not all occasions.

5. Half Windsor Knot

The half-Windsor knot, also known as the single Windsor knot,[1] is a way of tying a necktie which produces a neat, triangular knot. It is larger than the four-in-hand knot and Pratt knot but smaller than the Windsor knot. The half-Windsor is derived from the full Windsor in that it is only brought up around the loop on one side rather than both. It works well with light- and medium-weight fabrics.

Which would be the next coming blockbuster?

American Reunion  

 Before the sequels and direct-to-DVD spinoffs, before a dozen or so careers sputtered and/or took off in its wake, and well before the old gang got back together for American Reunion, the original American Pie was a revelation, however minor and derivative. Though sex-obsessed comedies about teenagers desperate to lose their virginities were nothing new even thirteen years ago, Pie bridged the raunchy-sweet wildness of the Farrelly Brothers and the regular-schlub raunch-with-heart of Judd Apatow. Since then, the series has been eclipsed, to a degree, by the inevitable advances in raunchy youth comedy: the Apatow-produced Superbad integrated its laughs and emotional core with greater naturalism and specificity, while the Harold and Kumar series, sort of a cousin to the Pie movies, added a more subversive spirit to gross-out gags. 


At its core, the horror genre centers on the standard cautionary tale. Better be careful what you do, says the fright formula, or the consequences can be dire. Well, here's betting they're not as awful as the new film fashioned from them, ATM. Centering around a trio of investment banking jerks trapped in a kiosk by an unseen assailant, the premise deals with that age old adage of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. While we never quite understand the motives of the murderer and our pseudo-Yuppies are unlikable to a fault, a narrative like this should work, if only on a primal level. Unfortunately, director David Brooks (his first time making a feature) doesn't understand how to create dread or suspense. The results reek of amateurishness and the inability to forge any formidable fear factors.            


 Keyhole, Maddin's first full-length film since his stunning quasi-doc My Winnipeg, constitutes what could charitably be called a transitional picture but is also remarkably close to a catastrophe. Shot on digital, it loses that discovery which gave Maddin's batshit narratives the quality of a fever dream, from the island of misfits in Brand Upon the Brain! to the hallucinatory gothic twitches of Cowards Bend the Knee and Dracula: Pages from a Virgin's Diary. The look is clean and clear, devoid of that sumptuous layer of grain, and suddenly Maddin's material is imbued with a unsettling newness; it's the first fully narrative film from the Canadian auteur that feels as if it's of this decade.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

15 yeas of TITANIC

Since 1997 Titanic shock us as a blockbuster of Hollywood, Rose and Jack instantaneous transfoemed into the superstar all over the word.
Now, 15 years gone,Jaak and Rose are there as 15 years ago?
Seeing is believing~

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